I’ve had a deep appreciation for human resources since I learned that it existed, and I’ve spent my entire professional career learning every facet and function that falls under the vast umbrella that is HR. Your company deserves a strong advocate who understands the rules, knows how to listen, and tells it like it is. 

When you work with Good HR, you are free to focus on what you do best while we take care of your people, policies, and procedures.


The best human resources directors come with experience and strategy

Every Company Has an Origin Story… This is Ours

I worked in a restaurant inside Nordstrom when I was 18. At one point, I had a question about my taxes and found myself in the HR office. A kind woman explained the form to me, answered all of my questions, and made me feel so supported that I was immediately intrigued by her job. She told me about what she did as an HR professional, and I realized I wanted a job just like hers.

The truth is, I’ve never been interested in being the star of the show. I get a lot more joy and satisfaction from supporting others and helping them achieve their dreams and vision. And once I learned about human resources, I knew that was where I was meant to be. 

After earning my undergrad degree from West Virginia University (Let’s Go Mountaineers!) in Sports Exercise Psychology with a minor in Business, I followed my academic advisor’s advice and enrolled in the Master’s program in HR. My coursework reaffirmed my love for this field, and once I graduated I took my first position, determined to learn everything I possibly could. 

I soaked up each and every experience I could get, learning all about employee relations, benefits, safety, employee engagement, worker’s comp, FMLA, you name it – I mastered it. Nine years ago I landed at a mid-size company in an entry-level position and worked my way up, taking on additional responsibilities as a business partner, manager, and finally the HR Director – managing a team of 12. It was a lot of pressure, but I loved my role. I was a strong advocate for our company and our employees, guiding our entire organization through tricky situations and tough personnel decisions.

I never planned to leave corporate, but when I realized how many more people I could help and the massive impact I could make as a contract HR director and consultant – I decided to take the plunge. Good HR was born, and I’ve never looked back. Now I get to create custom HR solutions for companies just like yours, step in as an active HR director, and help organizations identify potential risks and avoid all kinds of problems.

Dream job? Check. 

On the water, boating or fishing with my family

Getting in a good workout

Enjoying the outdoors, taking in a deep breath of fresh air


You can trust that when I tell you something, it matters. I don’t waste time with fluffy nonsense, and I’m not into policing people for the fun of it. My job is to make sure you have a comprehensive understanding of a situation, with clear recommendations from me about how to best proceed. My clients appreciate how straightforward and direct I am with them.


I believe in leaving the final decision to you, the business leader. That means you won’t find me telling you what to do. I’m here to tell you what you may not want to hear, but what you need to hear. I’ll weigh in and offer advice as needed, but you won’t find me trying to take over.


HR is usually not that fun. We’ll have tough conversations and make difficult decisions, but you’re never alone. I’ll consistently follow up and follow through – making sure we dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s… even when it’s hard. 


Go ahead, let out that sigh of relief. I’m here for you! 

Feeling like you finally found the right HR professional to step in and help out?